Friday, June 8, 2007

Change of plans

After further thought on regional transport, we realized that it's kind of stupid to fly into Spain, go down the coast, into Morocco, then backtrack all the way to Barcelona. So instead we bought plane tickets straight from London to Marrakech, and will just work out way North (backwards along the aforementioned route). And because Air Maroc of course doesn't do e-ticketing, we are having said tickets overnighted to us. Nevertheless, at times like this I am amazed by aviation technology and the knowledge that within a matter of hours we can go from being at the foot of the Rockies to the foot of the Atlas mountains. Four more days, I can't wait!


Walker Bradley said...

I think you made the right call. you're going to have such an amazing trip post on this blog when you can cause I'm following it. :-)

Marta said...

Just read in the NY Times about a train tunnel may jeopardize the Gaudi cathedral in Barcelona. Go see it before it begins to crack and crumble. ...Marta