Friday, June 1, 2007

I'm out!

Well, I'm officially moved out of my apartment. All of my worldly belongings with the exception of a suitcase, a backpack, and a box of food now occupy a 10' x 10' semi-insulated storage facility in East Boulder. It's a good feeling. Also a good feeling: having my birth certificate! Now the next phases of the plan are to buy a plane ticket and then apply for a passport rush. It's my hope to be out of here in 2 1/2 weeks. I should find out this evening whether I'll be traveling en couple or solo. I'm almost hoping for the latter at this point, as it affords more spontaneity (and you know how much I love that), but I would love Megan to travel with me nonetheless.
And I just realized that my roommate threw out a perfectly good third of a bottle of wine when she cleaned out the kitchen that I could be sipping now. Damn and blast. End transmission.

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