Monday, June 18, 2007

Ah, the relaxation...

Ok, now for that long blog entry I promised... We are still in Chef, and loving it. The people in the South were so intense, constantly shoving things in your face, or trying to hit on you. If you didn't respond in French, they tried English, then German. If using short sentances, I can usually pass as French, if in longer conversation they ask if I'm British. I've also been taken for German a lot, and once Swedish. But here in Chef, everyone is very calm and laid back. Apparently the city is famous for growing kif, some of the purest and strongest marajuana in the world, and while Megan and I aren't partaking, we believe that some of the locals certainly are. Chefchaouen is entirely blue, all different shades, because of its settlement by Jewish refugees from Spain hundreds of years ago. When I say we're in the mountains, I mean it. Every street and sidewalk is a ramp or stairs so it's a constant hike. The only flat part of town is the medina, which is tiny. The town's main exports are wool and olives, and I'm enjoying olives for the first time, since here they are fresh off the trees, not packaged in salt and juice. I've been eating lots of delicious couscous and tajine, and the fresh orange juice here would blow your mind. I also learned how to prepare the traditional mint tea, so I gat make it from scratch when I get home rather than buying premade dried stuff here. The one indulgence we've been allowing ourselves other than food (which is still cheap) is jewelry. We've become excellent bargainers, and I am now the proud possessor of a berber bracelet and two pairs of tuareg earrings. I like the styles and now I'm guarded against the evil eye as well. Megan and I found a shop today where the owner specializes in antique jewelry and let us try on the whole 100-year old berber jewelry set, including a silver belt with bells, a beaded breast plate, a necklace, and a beaded headdress, and invited us to take pictures of them. It was like being kids again playing dress up. The pictures here are of spices in Marrakech, the Hamman II mosque in Casablanca, our hostel here in Chefchaouen, and me being goofy in ancient Berber jewelry. :o) Enjoy!


Unknown said...

It looks incredible!!! I love the blue in the hostel and how beautiful you look in the jewelry. I find myself chomping at the bit waiting for your next entry. I MISS YOU MY ANGEL!!!!

Marta said...

Great photos! Keep writing, too. ...Marta

Walker Bradley said...

You look hot! Yeah it sucks when people shove crap in your face. I got that a lot in India and it really detracted from the places. Yeah there is a lot of Hashish and opium up here as well. I'm not partaking but other travelers definately do.