Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I'm in Berlin, and it's raining. I made it on the train from Schonefeld Airport to Alexanderplatz without any help, and even found the bike shop where Ingo works. I had just enough time to get a hello hug and directions to his apartment before he was off to lead a tour, so I introduced myself to all the guys in the shop, and they're already treating me like family! I'm not allowed to pay for anything in the shop, so I'm using the internet free and got a bottle of water on them. They also gave me a bike for free to ride around for my entire stay! I love Germans! I took the bike greatfully and rode around central Berlin for a few hours, pulling into the first place I saw that advertised bratwurst and had people speaking German on the porch. Where I was getting a tiny ham sandwich in Spain for €4.50, here I got a giant brat, a heaping pile of seasoned potatoes, and an even bigger scoop of fresh saurkraut, and over the top was this amazingly rich, soupy gravy. OH MY GOD it was delicious! I really could not be fuller or happier. Add that to the fact that I'm going on a pub crawl with them tonight and I'm going to gain back the 10 pounds I lost in Morocco in no time...

So far Berlin is really cool, I rode around the city for 2 hours on my bike and without even trying stumbled across Humbolt college (where Einstein taught), the canal, 2 beautiful churches, and the parliamentary buildings. I'm going to have to take one of these bike tours, everyone who's come back from one is smiling and happy, and it's a 4.5 hour tour for €15 since I'm a student and now a friend :-) .

And now for those pictures I promised! The first is of a fountain in Granada, which as I said are EVERYWHERE. The second is Megan and I on the beach in Malaga, the third is from the tapas festival in Malaga that night. The one after that is of the market in Barcelona. I'm sure I'll have more to come with Berlin...


Unknown said...

Jess, If you are able to make it to Paris, here's my friend's email address:
Thomas d'Hauteville thomas.d'
Love, Aunt Pam

Unknown said...

Jess, make sure you email me with the date you'll be back in the UK. I don't know if you're still planning on kicking around here for a few days before heading back stateside. You have my mobile number, but make sure you email me a day or 2 before too so we can make more concrete plans. If you're flying into Stansted I'll come and pick you up at the airport.