Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Clear For Liftoff

Ok, I managed to get a passport in less than 48hrs. Score one for me! It is now T minus 6 days to liftoff. We bought guidebooks today, and maps. Tonight Megan is planning Spain, I'm planning Morocco, and tomorrow we meet for lunch to finalize what places we're hitting on this whirlwind trip. Here's what I have so far:
We're crossing into Morocco by ferry from Algeciras, Spain to Tangier, Morocco. From there we're pretty much immediately catching a train to the capitol city of Rabat, where we'll be for 2 nights, then on to Casablanca by train, where we'll spend probably one night. Then back on the train to Marrakesh, a city at the foot of the Atlas Mountains which is considered by many to be the cultural hub of Arabic Africa. We'll kip there for two nights, then back to Spain, where Megan and I part ways; she for London and home, I to cross France into Germany. At least that's the rough plan. I like a lot of elbow room in there.
Also, we found out today that my old Cambridge professor and good friend Matt will be coming to pick us up at the airport in London, and we'll be staying at his house that evening. Matt will be going back to work for the afternoon, though, and in that time my cousin JD (who is stationed at the US Airforce base in Lakenheath) is coming down to London to hang out and have lunch with us.
I look forward to sharing my experiences abroad with my friends and family through this blog, and encourage you to email me any questions you have. I'll do my best to respond, as I should have internet access at several points along the journey. So far, it looks like it's going to be an awesome trip!

1 comment:

Walker Bradley said...

Glad to see that everything is turning out with your passport and birth certificate etc. You may want to talk to my brother he went to morroco on the ferry you're describing. I don't have his number but his email is
glad you got moved out okay. You're welcome to crash at my place as long as you need to when you get back.